
About Me

Jyotish = Jyoti + Ish = Light of God.

This is the best way I understand Astrology.

In this present day and age where "Doing" has become "Being", you can say that now I am an Astrologer. But this is just my work, not my identity. I am yet to realize myself. So, I can't say anything "About Me". 

And if "work" is someone's "identity" then I have changed my identity quite a few times. This is my 4th profession after being a Lawyer, Law Teacher, Corporate Legal Job and now as an Astrologer. So, I have changed quite a few name plates. But anyways, let's talk about what is important here, i.e. Astrology & Myself. 

My journey in Astrology started like many of us, by looking at daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions on the basis of Sun-Sign, Moon-Sign etc. in newspapers or calendars (which are more popular in India as “Panchaang”). Discussions among family members, friends and on various TV channels kept the interest alive but it was never up to the level of learning astrology. Like many of us, I also wanted to know how much someone can tell me about myself. My interest grew and I started asking other Astrologers that on what planetary basis they are saying what they are saying. At the same time, I started nurturing my research skills on internet and searching about various things including Astrology. Some other friends who were little more active in Astrology kept me updated with latest trends in Astrology. 

Then in 2008, came the 1st major turn towards Astrology when my career turned upside down from being a Lawyer. I tried to search for the reasons from visible sources but no benefits. Then I tried Occult/Hidden Science like Astrology. I took my horoscope and visited almost all famous practitioners of Astrology in my city and interestingly they all were able to tell my career situation correctly, with near hits and misses (which I now realize as limits of human efforts). 

The fact that they all predicted almost similar things got me intrigued in Astrology. I started reading about it. My study was based on books and online research. In the process, I found many good people online from whom I learnt one thing or the other. 

Then came the most important turn-around in my ever-changing life & career when between 2013 to 2015 I went through Saturn Antardasha and I became focused at learning about Astrology. And by the time Saturn dasha was over, I was a completely new person. Transformation happened for me from Law to Astrology. 

Then I started my FB Page, Site and Twitter Page etc. I started giving consultation. One important thing I did is that I never advertised myself. I never paid for any advertisement or subscribers. I am of the view that a happy client is best advertisement. And with time, this view paid off. Another thing is that during consultation, I don't want my own ego to come in between. So, I mean to say that if a person has asked any question then I am bound to give response and that response should be 100% honest. I should say as I see in chart. I should not show a negative picture when it is not there nor I should show a rosy picture when it is not there. I should not think that how other person will feel if I say this or that? Changing someone's perception is not my job. I am here to respond to questions as per my understanding or information. I am supposed to follow this middle path where if I see a positive thing then I should let person know and if I see a negative thing then again I am under duty to make person aware so that he can mitigate the losses. At least he won't say that he was not advised before hand else he would have done this or that.  

I am also a follower of Osho Rajneesh. As Osho Rajneesh once said that - "Human Life on Earth is Bi-polar in nature. With Life, Death will always exist. With Prosperity, Poverty will always exist. With Peace, Violence will always exist. If you want one pole to exist then its exactly opposite pole will always and automatically exist. You can't expect only Happiness to exist and Sorrow not to exist. Those who talk about World Peace, Utopian World and Prosperity to all have no idea about Polarities of Life". 

I got initiated in Sannyas at Osho Swarg Ashram in Rajpipla, Gujarat on 16th July, 2019. My Sannyas Name is Swami Premanand Bharti.

So, I prefer to remain in this middle path which I call Buddha-Field. Somehow I feel that Astrology has suffered from extremes of both sides, i.e. from people who try to scare people in order to sell remedy/gemstones and also from those people who say that everything in chart is fantastic. Real Truth is somewhere in between. If scaring someone and robbing money in name of Astrology & Remedy is wrong then showing an unnecessary dream & rosy picture to someone who is going through a terrible time is also wrong. We need to strike a balance. It is then I realized that and as Buddha also said that real path is actually the middle path. Also Krishna said, Life is the name of Balance. My approach become to tell good and bad both sides of coin with suggestions as to how person can improve the bad side, not by any remedy/gems but by understanding what Planets/God wants him to do. We need to tell person the efforts he can take in a particular direction to make his life better and work towards evolution of soul at higher level. 

You can read my views on how I want to practice Astrology here -

With this intention, I started this site in 2015. With this site, my purpose is not only to provide information about Astrology and to provide guidance through consultations but also to work against myths and misconceptions related with Astrology which are rampant in society. No doubt because of these misconceptions only, many people prefer to stay away from Astrology. 

I personally feel that every one of us must learn this science, not to know your future, but to know your place in universe, to know what for you are here in this world, to know what God expects from you?

And that’s how Astrology became Jyotish = Jyoti + Ish = Light of God for me.

I am sure I am going to get many co-travelers in this journey towards Light of God. 

You can also follow me at my Facebook page - 

You can also follow me at my Twitter page - 

I am also helping people in Spirituality related questions through my channel Universal Ashram 

For Yoga Related videos, please check Yog Prabha by Ayushi 


Swami Premanand Bharti

Websites - , .

For Astrological Consultations, please check this link - 

Facebook Page - .

Twitter Page - .

YouTube Channel on Spirituality

YouTube Channel on Astrology 

For Yoga Related videos, please check Yog Prabha by Ayushi and


I discovered Vishal Saxena two years ago during the most challenging time in my life. I was struggling through losses in my career, in my relationship with others and in my own health. I spent months searching for answer..
Vishal's analysis has been instrumental in my career growth. The way he explains the situation based on the planets and their combinations is very easy to comprehend. He is always available for any guidance or advise whi..
I picked Vishal S Saxena to do a Astrological reading for me because I felt a certain pull towards him and been a student of Astrology myself I know this is an important factor when considering a reading with Astrologer...
I started following Mr Saxena's Facebook page on Astrology a while ago. I found it randomly and was quickly surprised about how much great knowledge he has on Astrology and I read his thorough articles on his website. I ..
I highly recommend Vishal for any consultation you seeking. True value for money and trust me you won't be disappointed. People read reviews and think possibly this might be written under any influence - close friends, f..
Vishal Saxena is a new generation astrologer who believe in combining logic and common sense in reading and analysing charts . If one reads his analysis one would find it to be 100% personalized and educative . This gu..
I was mentally perplexed until I heard Vishal's words. My chart is a typical case of Saturn dominance, not only most of all planets in Saturn's Nakshaktra, but Sade sati is at its peak. I was about to change my career pa..
A True and real master of divine science of Astrology. I stumbled upon his work and didn't think twice before booking a consultation and it exceeded my expectations. It is the highest quality of consultation I have ever ..
Recap After having a reading with Vishal back in May he warned me of some health issue I may have and to just watch it. Because of this I decided to get some test done and blow me if the Dr didn't confirm back to me..
I have been interested in astrology for almost decade and a half, have consulted few astrologers as well. Since i read a lot on the subject i happened to come across his page and got hooked. I then took 2 consultations f..
I had been looking for an experienced astrologer on the internet for a long time. And finally I found him in the face of Vishal. The decision to receive consultations appeared after reading articles on his side. His ..
Vishal Saxena is one of the best astrologers that I have come across throughout my astrological life. He's got a very good knowledge and insight into astrology. Also he's very updated on the subject and he knows what he'..
Vishal Sir is a true Gem in astrology... He gives honest(no sugar coating )practical consultation... His mailed report seems like consulting him personally when you read it... He has so comprehensive, detailed and sim..
I have consulted Vishal on various questions and issues in my life, and I have been immensely impressed with his honesty, expertise, perceptiveness, guidance, and professionalism. He is impressively knowledgeable and gi..
I have consulted Vishal on a host of topics ranging from marriage to career and from property disputes to understanding of Mahadashas. He is one I have been privileged to meet in my life not only because of his knowledge..
If you wish to get genuine answers about your horoscope, you need to speak with Vishal ji. He is genuine, explains with a high level of clarity and will no simply tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what he..

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48 comments on this post Comments

Srinivas Dhanankar

2022-03-31 13:41:04

I have started new career on Salary/ partnership basis , will the business grow , what are the prospects DOB: 14.10.1966 , Solapur Maharashtra, 0930 pm [email protected]


2022-01-29 17:05:36

PKM - Good for knowledge, bad for family life.

Pravat Kumar Mishra

2022-01-29 16:41:44

For Scorpio Ascendant, Mar and Ketu are the rulers. Many astrologers speak that combination of Mars and Ketu is a bad yoga. Is this true for Scorpio ascendant? In case Mars and Ketu conjunction is present in Saggitarious, then is it good or bad? Dispositer Jupiter is in Taurus. Kindly solve this.


2021-03-14 20:07:53

MK - Please feel free to email your request at [email protected]. Thanks,

Madhuri Kulkarni

2021-03-14 11:28:20

I came across one or your articles on sun-mars-rahu conjunction and was very impressed by the level of understanding which was evident in the article. So I came this page about you. I am really interested in astrology and would like to learn it from you.

Swami Premanand Bharti

2020-03-25 22:29:45

@ AK - please apply for career consultation.

Ajit Kumar

2020-03-07 15:49:44

I am working in a pesticide company. I have not got suitable growth in my career. Any chance of getting promoted in coming years

Swami Premanand Bharati

2019-07-31 18:15:21

@ Q - I replied to your email.


2019-07-31 17:47:50

can I recieve consultant in e mail? I read consultant page but I am not sure about hand written document means.

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2019-05-02 11:09:51

@Dora - I emailed you. Thanks,


2019-05-01 02:26:12

Dear Mr Saxena, I appreciated deeply your sincere, modest and enlightened presentation of yourself and your path leading you to astrology and the Light of God. I would like to have an astrological consultation regarding my own direction in life and meaningful use of my time on earth as for many years I feel a change maturing in me. I will need also a reevaluation of my time of birth, as what I have is an approximation by 1 hour. Like you, I am a lawyer working as counsel and I have had a deep interest in astrology and esoterism which are my true Water of Life. Please let me know if that is possible and how we can organize that. Kindest regards, Dora [email protected]

Rajesh Kumar

2019-02-02 23:35:30

Sir my life is turning the same way as yours . I was Lawyer at delhi high court, then professor of law in pvt college in ghaziabad then went to bhartiya vidya bhavan learnt astrology. Now running a small coaching center to earn bread and butter simultaneously doing share trading. Suffered lot of misery in life. And still wondering what I am supposed to do. Will book your consultation once I will be in position to pay you 🙏 Rajesh Kumar Dob 05 Sept 1972 Time 03:54 am Place- Silchar (Assam)

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2018-05-25 10:36:53

@ Ram - please read article on fate Vs free will under beyond astrology tab. Also, listen to the 1st audio course i uploaded. Thanks,


2018-05-25 08:21:52

Guruji Can you write an article that where an astrology born and started and how much Can be impacted on person Life is it hundred percent and on self efforts please write an article or else mention any link to know about..

Sukant mohapatro

2018-03-17 13:11:35

Very good application

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2018-01-04 11:28:34

@ UP - please apply for consultation through consultation tab. Thanks,

Umesh patel

2018-01-04 09:41:29

Sir I want to know what is going in my life

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-12-21 21:49:57

@ ramanjeneyulu - I cant help much in that case but Bhrigu Saral Paddhati can help. Please google about it.


2017-12-21 18:21:32

Sir, you have more knowledge in astrology to get right path in by seeing chart or by taking birth details,but i have doubt if their dont have birth details then how can help for those people which their consult with you without birth details,how can will give the right path for them in career.

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-12-15 21:59:48

@ r pristine - not sure abt it , for me D-1 is most important.

r pristine

2017-12-15 21:51:13

sir, a general doubt. Can we consider NavamsLagn-Lord as a high functional benefic equivalent to rajyogkarak kendra-konadhipati of main chart(or equal to even Lagna-Lord of main chart)?? thanks. regards.

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-12-05 10:46:35

@ Sandhya - please apply for specific consultation thru consultation tab. Thanks,


2017-12-04 21:43:56

When i will have kids. My date of birth is 10 nov 1980 at 22.05 time in etawah up, india. And my husband date of birth is 24 april 1980 at4.05 am, gwalior, mp, india

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-10-31 16:00:15

@ Rahul - lagna will show the event but moon sign will show how ur mind feels about event. in ur example, you can have some gains (2nd from lagna) in coming days but ur mind will feel that you could have gained more and hence it is kind of loss (12th from moon).

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-10-31 15:55:20

Thanks Aviraj and happy to help.

Aviraj Sakhare

2017-10-31 14:53:16

Hello Vishal, How are you? After reading your about me page. I want to say I am going through the same journey as you. The articles published by you are very informational and want to thank you for helping me. I use to think astrology will help me know my future and I can change things without realising the balance concept. Now I have similar opinion as you that astrology is guide rails of life and helping us fulfill our Dharma to progress our soul, less divergence from dharmic path less conflict and less disappointments. Hope we can continue to have good conversations through your website or otherwise.

Rahul Bharadvaj

2017-10-31 13:52:31

Sir, In many of your articles, you have told how to check the effect from ascendant and for a rashi. For me, this is always a dilemma. I am Kanya lagna and Vrischik rashi. Any planet coming to Tula is in my Dhan sthan but 12th to Moon. Please guide, as in mext 2-3 days, there shall be 4 planets in Tula. How to assess their impact for me? Good or bad? Regards.

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer

2017-10-27 17:27:24

@ sumita - please apply for consultation here - Thanks,

Sumita Maity

2017-10-27 15:07:58

My name is Sumita Maity Dob-5September 1988.Time-8.45pm. When will I get married and will I have love marriage or arrange marriage?

Vishal S Saxena

2017-09-27 18:05:05

Thanks Loren

loren walter

2017-09-27 14:13:14

Thank you for lots of great information for free. I will be a daily follower or your work. I am excited to read all your info.

Vishal S Saxena

2017-09-02 16:16:07

@ vipin - please apply for consultation here - Thanks,

Vipin K

2017-09-02 14:08:39

Need analysis of my chart Vipin K 21.6.1975 6.37 am Place Mul dist : chandrapur maharashtra Pls let me know ur charges also and bank details. Awaiting ur response. Thanx

Vishal S Saxena

2017-08-22 12:46:49

@ dimple - please apply for consultation here - Thanks,

[email protected]

2017-08-20 07:53:47

My name is dimple kanwar Dob 17 july 1996 Time of birth 20:15 pm Place of birth: Jaipur(Raj) When I will get married and tell me how will be my life partner and in-laws plz reply soon sir

dimple kanwar

2017-08-19 18:10:25

My dob is 17 july 1996 birth time 20: 15 pm and place of birth Jaipur , rajasthan I want to know when I will get married and how will be my life partner and tell me about my in-laws home please reply me soon

Vishal S Saxena

2017-07-09 20:11:30

Thanks Vinita for kind message. Happy Guru Purnima to you too. I have learnt from you people and your questions. So, you all are my teachers too.


2017-07-09 20:08:10

Namaste Vishal Sir, Happy Gurupurnima.You have been guiding many of us.Just as a true Guru leads his students to right path with knowledge and wisdome,your knowledge too have always given us right path.Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.Humble pranaam. Hari om


2017-07-09 20:04:24

Namaste Vishal sir, Happy gurupurnima.You are guiding many of us.Just as guru guides students towards right path you are guiding us with your knowledge and leading us towards righteousness.Thank you. Hari om

Vishal S Saxena

2017-06-14 21:13:10

@ vinay - Hello Sir, you can follow Ernst Wilhelm, Sam Geppi, Alyssa Sharpe, Lada Duncheva, Joni Patry, Kapiel Raaj etc on YT and FB. Only advice is not to follow only 1 person. 1 person cant give you whole knowledge. You have to follow many different Astrologers and then develop your own way.

Vinay Vaid

2017-06-14 20:14:11

Vinay Vaid DOB 07 JUNE 1965 TOB- 1830 [email protected] 9990052880 NOIDA , U.P.

Vinay Vaid

2017-06-14 20:03:18

Respected saxena ji, I find myself following your footprints as I have also keen interest in the field of astrology .Me to started reading horoscope in newspaper and reading my janam patri / varsh fal. But I feel sorry to say that I have not been able to start my learning as if lack of willpower or just the right time has not arrived. But I will do it by your way of learning methods i.e YouTube videos . If you can , please guide me which / astrologer video lessons should I go through on you tube. I will be highly thankful for your guidance of a pinch. I know I should track my path by my own but as you say GURU is always required for learning. It would be my pleasure if can guide so that flame of knowledge be never be extinguish. If you can let me know if I can learn astrology ,if this existe in my planets. My DOB - 07 JUNE 1965 TOB - 1830 hrd. Place of birth - New Delhi

Vishal S Saxena

2017-06-02 16:51:08

@ vala - Thanks, but I dont find myself a good speaker. I m good at writing.


2017-06-02 13:09:43

Why is it that you have not made a Youtube channel yourself? You will be a classic!

Vishal S Saxena

2017-05-21 16:05:20

@ yaseswini - please apply for consultation here - Thanks,


2017-05-21 11:16:03

Will i get a government job or not

Vishal Saxena

2017-02-19 18:59:40

@ Amol Thanks for appreciation. And I am also glad that my career turned upside down. lol

Amol sinha

2017-02-19 18:42:17

Dear Mr Vishal Sarena, There are so many websites out there and so much material but what you have written is simple , well organised to such an extent that one can read only what you have written and learn astrology. I am recent student of KP with little knowledge of traditional / vedic . I absolutely love what you have written. Just like Osho your language is simple and you never sound egoistic or know it all which sometimes is nature of astrologers or astrology teachers. Pls keep up the good work. May god bless you. Sorry to say this but I am glad your career turned upside down and you took up astrology.