
Feedback Received, Oct-2021 & Jan-2022 Batch

As we have successfully completed our Oct, 2021 batch yesterday and as we are starting our next batch of Astrology-Ayurveda Gurukul from Feb, 2023, please find below some of the feedback we have received from our students of Oct, 2021 and Jan, 2022 batches which may help you in deciding whether or not to join the next batch, if you are interested in.

1. “Hello Swami ji, Mira ji and all my beautiful student colleagues, I wish to say that classes were simply enthralling to say the least. We learnt so much and the beauty was that it was a patient and structured form of learning. We went and dived into the deepest aspect of basic astrology which will definitely help and has helped many of us to understand Vedic Astrology way better than what we did before the course had begun. You have been extremely generous and patient with all your learning. You are immensely learned. Your articles, which are by the galore on the internet, have never failed to help us in answering our queries, in case we are left confused. Also, our class sessions have been very peaceful. So, that made a very beautiful learning ground for all of us to grasp. There was no hurry, no urgency and yet we learnt so much, simply because you backed so many classes, year-long schedule, at a very reasonable cost. We really appreciate you for that. Thank you so much to everyone and specially Swami ji for being a part of our lives.”

Ekta Kashyap, India. (Oct, 2021 Batch) (Audio message reduced into writing)

2. “I want to say I took Ayurveda classes with Mira and I recommend them to you. Mira teaches really well, and you learn practical ways to apply Ayurveda in your daily life. You will also be able to relate astrology and Ayurveda together, and Mira is really good at both. ” (Ayurveda course)

Gurleen, Canada (Oct, 2021 Batch)

3. “I am attending Astrology classes with Swami Premanand Bharti. Swami ji's knowledge is excellent for astrology and his predictions are accurate and to the point. Swami ji has a logic behind each of his predictions and he tries his best that we get that logic of astrology. I am gaining deeply from the classes. Each class is enriched with knowledge and swami ji takes personal care that each one of us understand the concepts clearly. I look forward to each class and would not want to miss the class for anything in the world. I find him extremely honest and authentic in his conversations and I gained from each conversation with him. Swami ji shares his knowledge freely and wants the best for each of us. Apart from his knowledge sessions via classes, swami ji website is unique and is a whole encyclopedia for astrology. I tried to put my experience in words but yes actually words fall short for the overwhelming learning experience I am having with swami ji. I look forward to learn from him future in the form of another astrology course.”

Monika Garg, Dubai (Jan, 2022 Batch)

4. "The explanations given during the course were based on scientific evidence and were far from any form of superstition or radical belief system. The additional reference materials enabled me to grasp certain complex concepts of astrology with clarity and ease. The course not only helped me to gain a broader perspective of my own life path but also incited me to dig deeper into the realm of spirituality. I found Sir sincere, grounded and genuinely kind-hearted."

Mandabi Ghosh, France. (Jan, 2022 Batch)


5. “After a lot of searching, I came to attend Swami Premanand Bharti Astrology classes. The way he shares his knowledge with us is really fantastic. He has immense knowledge, and logic behind every explanation. And the knowledge you get, is not just out there in any book. This course not only makes you understand better about Astrology concepts and fundamentals, but the way it is taught and explained, it also makes you a better, more awakened person. He really takes personal care of every student. My happiness and joy were to attend classes. It’s a unique experience, with unique knowledge, shared in a unique way. Classes are recorded, and then made available to students. Everything was fantastic, and I can’t recommend this course enough! I look forward to future classes!

 Ana Luiza Souza. Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Jan, 2022 Batch)


6. “29th, Kepakemapa i ka makakiki 2022

Ano’ai me ke aloha ‘oukou a pau mai Hawai’i loa mai, a na ‘aumakua mai na ‘aina nei i noho ai na hoku-a-lani-nui, mai ka la hiki a ka la akau.  Na makua e ho’opomaika’i ia nei ko ‘oukou ke’ena i na mea maika’i a pau loa.

Greetings to all from islands of Hawai’i loa, from the ancient ones, who reside in the stars above, from the rising in the east to the setting in the west. May spirit ancestors bless your remembrance of all good things. It is presently our traditional New Year, a season of rest, a time to gather, to share and to enjoy the fruits of our labors, to reflect on the past year, and to renew and conserve our energies for the year ahead.

I have never been to the Great Lands of India, to view its Temples, their Priests and Sages, to experience its rich, cultural traditions or to admire the beautiful natives who inhabit its vast shores. Nevertheless, as a student of Kumu Vishal, I am truly amazed at the comprehensive and complex science of Vedic Astrology, its spiritual truth and wisdom and its practical application upon a nativity, whose very existence testifies to magnificent intelligence of Divine Creator.

From personal experience, I know that it is very difficult to learn to do Vedic without professional guidance. As a “western” astrology student, I must confess that I understand only a small fraction of the truth of all that Kumu Vishal speaks, not knowing Vedic terminology or the cultural, mythological references that might be more easily and naturally understood by those of Indian descent. Because of this, many times I don’t know what questions to ask that might further my understanding.

But, because of this class, I want to further explore the Nakshatras. It is really helping me to relate to Indian culture. The mythology of the Nakshatras, in many ways, seem similar to my native Hawaiian mythologies of origin. This gives a cultural/spiritual perspective to understanding Vedic.

Kumu Vishal has a vast list of articles on Vedic concepts and its applications to aid the student. It is impressive how freely he shares his knowledge and experience. He is patient and is understanding of our foibles. No matter the question, he provides succinct, realistic, practical answers. He’s humble, says when he needs to do research to provide concrete direction. And, he tries to help others achieve their goals. I believe he also strives to connect his students to the teachings of the DIVINE. As such, his true nature as an AUTHENTIC GURU shines brightly.

And, he is the most generous and giving ke Kahuna Kilokilo-Hoku [Master [professional] Astrologer] I have ever met. In the past, I never imagined that I could afford to attend a Vedic Astrology School in India. Amazingly, for all this excellent training and education, his courses are reasonably affordable.

Lastly, I want to say that studying with Kumu Vishal this past year has given me courage to heal from a very painful personal experience, the loss of my beloved spouse of 29 years [April, 2021]. Studying Vedic focused my attentions and I experienced the healing energy of Astrology, when viewed thru the lens of the Vedas. It gives one insight into the human condition, its strengths and weaknesses and guidance on how to deal with personal challenges.

Mahalo mau no, Kumu Vishal, for your generosity, for this opportunity to learn Vedic, to apply its many complex elements and techniques that must be keenly understood and mastered by the student – no matter how long it may take! Being kou haumana kilo-hoku [your astrology student] is indeed a privilege and an honor. God bless!

Melanie, Hawaii – USA (Jan, 2022 Batch)


7. “I have been privileged to learn astrology from Vishal sir. With immense personal interest in the subject, my journey was unexpected. But once I commenced the structured classes with Vishal sir, I first learned to organise my previous little knowing.

Every class added understanding, knowledge and concepts of astrology. While clearing the doubts, asking the questions, addressing the concerns, and debating on perspectives, I learned some valuable lessons of human soul evolution.

Not limiting the benefits to only learning astrology, I also found my yoga teacher from the class. I made many friends from across the world, who share similar spiritual interests, irrespective of the ethicity and age group.

I have always respected Vishal sir, for his non chaotic and extremely practical predictions, from even before the class. The same aura reflects in his teachings. Thanks again Vishal sir, for being my teacher.

Further request:

Merging concepts of Ayurveda with astrology is divine blessing to healing knowledge. With similar approach, people from around could be benefitted in various fields. If there could be financial astrology, for students interested in the field too, and may be many more areas.

Mousami Patnaik, Dubai. (Jan, 2022 Batch).


8. “Dear Meera Madam and Vishal Sir. Thank you for wonderful and addictive course. I learned a lot of things from you. Your expertise and the way of teaching are quite fantastic and giving some of your wisdom to us using real life examples. Actually, I had a fantastic time by taking your course. I always remember your warm and welcoming nature, patience which invited us all to ask more questions. Also, you have always gone above and beyond the expectations of a ‘great’ Teacher. I would want you to know that you are without a doubt, pretty much THE BEST TEACHER of all time. Thank you, Vishal Sir, for being kind, for making lessons fun, for helping us to grow in this field. Thanks for everything and best wishes for all your future endeavours in the Teaching field of Vedic Astrology at Miraom Holistic School.”

Priyanth, Sri Lanka/UK. (Oct, 2021 Batch)


9. “I have never taken such an exciting and extensive course that was nearly three US college semesters long. Each session was very informative and provided real-life examples based on Swamiji’s own research and experiences. I never had the chance to get bored during a class thanks to his interactive teaching style.

Swamiji has a true passion for teaching. He knows how to help his students understand the logic behind each and every interpretation of a horoscope. Further, he was able to maintain the same enthusiasm and passion in each class, despite some being over four hours long.

One key tenet taught in the course was that each planet, whether malefic or benefic, can provide you with something good if you align yourself with that planet’s energy. I will try to follow this principle for the rest of my life. This statement is very much aligned with a saying by Abraham Hicks, a famous author and an inspirational speaker- “If you’re not excited about it, it’s not the right path.”

It is very difficult to put all of my experiences with this course into one short note. Only after going through this class can one truly understand what a wonderful experience it is.

Swamiji, thank you again for being such a passionate teacher, counsellor, and mentor. Now, I am a lifelong disciple of yours.”

Sunil Jain, USA. (Oct, 2021 Batch)

10. “Today, after almost a year of Jyotish classes, each week 3-4 hours, and of course hours of extra—“homework”, we( husband and muse) ended our official course, together with many others across the globe, this spectacular Vedic Knowledge of Light—- an other beautiful expansion. The course ended on this day— that’s a gift of coincidence of the Divine

Grateful to Svami Bharati Jee and Mira katyal ee for organizing this. Svami Jee is—-kind, patiently guiding, humble, non judging, nurturing and understanding— a very Jupitairian— like personality, yet the focus of Saturn’s perspective, and the insights of The Mercurian thinking—

Not yet there—-just hatched, the wings need to dry, grow, and only then lift off is possible—

This course did expand our mind.

All can do it.

Is worth it.

Respect to all who study this Scientifically, because knowing this paradigm— makes the light of the LENS better.”

Radha Thijm. Suriname. (Oct, 2021 Batch).

11. Astrology Course Feedback message from Fatehjiit Kaur 





Thank you all for your kind words. It was a pleasure sharing knowledge with you all. You are really good students.

Mira Katyal

Swami Premanand Bharti


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A True and real master of divine science of Astrology. I stumbled upon his work and didn't think twice before booking a consultation and it exceeded my expectations. It is the highest quality of consultation I have ever ..
I have consulted Vishal on a host of topics ranging from marriage to career and from property disputes to understanding of Mahadashas. He is one I have been privileged to meet in my life not only because of his knowledge..
I have been interested in astrology for almost decade and a half, have consulted few astrologers as well. Since i read a lot on the subject i happened to come across his page and got hooked. I then took 2 consultations f..
Vishal Saxena is a new generation astrologer who believe in combining logic and common sense in reading and analysing charts . If one reads his analysis one would find it to be 100% personalized and educative . This gu..
I discovered Vishal Saxena two years ago during the most challenging time in my life. I was struggling through losses in my career, in my relationship with others and in my own health. I spent months searching for answer..
I was mentally perplexed until I heard Vishal's words. My chart is a typical case of Saturn dominance, not only most of all planets in Saturn's Nakshaktra, but Sade sati is at its peak. I was about to change my career pa..
If you wish to get genuine answers about your horoscope, you need to speak with Vishal ji. He is genuine, explains with a high level of clarity and will no simply tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what he..
I have consulted Vishal on various questions and issues in my life, and I have been immensely impressed with his honesty, expertise, perceptiveness, guidance, and professionalism. He is impressively knowledgeable and gi..
I picked Vishal S Saxena to do a Astrological reading for me because I felt a certain pull towards him and been a student of Astrology myself I know this is an important factor when considering a reading with Astrologer...
Vishal Sir is a true Gem in astrology... He gives honest(no sugar coating )practical consultation... His mailed report seems like consulting him personally when you read it... He has so comprehensive, detailed and sim..
Recap After having a reading with Vishal back in May he warned me of some health issue I may have and to just watch it. Because of this I decided to get some test done and blow me if the Dr didn't confirm back to me..
I started following Mr Saxena's Facebook page on Astrology a while ago. I found it randomly and was quickly surprised about how much great knowledge he has on Astrology and I read his thorough articles on his website. I ..
I highly recommend Vishal for any consultation you seeking. True value for money and trust me you won't be disappointed. People read reviews and think possibly this might be written under any influence - close friends, f..
I had been looking for an experienced astrologer on the internet for a long time. And finally I found him in the face of Vishal. The decision to receive consultations appeared after reading articles on his side. His ..
Vishal Saxena is one of the best astrologers that I have come across throughout my astrological life. He's got a very good knowledge and insight into astrology. Also he's very updated on the subject and he knows what he'..

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