How to find Ishta-Devata?
Before starting with Mercury's aspect articles, I just wanted to cover this request from a client/friend about Ishta-Devata in Astrology and how we can find Ishta-Devata from Horoscope?
Let's cover this small yet very important topic on following points -
1. Concept of Ishta-Devta.
2. Finding Atma Karaka.
3. Placement of Atma-Karaka in D-9.
4. 12th house from Atma-Karaka's placement in D-9.
5. Ishta-Devata for each planets.
Let's cover all these points one after the other -
1. Concept of Ishta-Devta - As we have different Gods/Goddesses and their incarnations to worship, Ishta-Devata is also one of them. It is generally misunderstood as Kul-Devata but it is completely different. Kul-Devata is one and only one for the whole family and for all generations in that family. Ishta-Devata is one specific God for an individual. Ishta means Cherished or Favored and Devata means God. So, as per name, it suggests that Ishta-Devta is the most favored or important God for an individual worshiping whom can be extra beneficial.
2. Finding Atma Karaka - First of all, we need to find Atma Karaka in birth chart. Atma Karaka is planet which has the highest degrees in birth chart, except Rahu & Ketu. So, from Sun to Saturn, whichever planet has the highest degree is Atma Karaka to person.
3. Placement of Atma-Karaka in D-9 - Then we need to check where that Atma Karaka planet is placed in D-9 chart. Why D-9 only? Because D-9 is expansion of 9th house of chart, which is house of Religion & God. Also, D-9 shows our Righteous (Dharmic) Path of Life. So, we need to check in which house/sign Atma-Karaka is placed. Once we find that, then we can move to next step.
4. 12th house from Atma-Karaka's placement in D-9 - After finding house/sign position of Atma Karaka in D-9, we need to see the 12th house from the house Atma Karaka is placed in D-9. Like if Atma Karaka is Sun and it is in Cancer sign in D-9, then we have to see 12th house from Cancer, i.e. Gemini. Now, follow these rules to find Ishta-Devta -
- If there is a planet in the 12th house from Atma karaka in D-9, God related with that planet becomes the Ishta Devata.
- If there are more planets than one in the 12th house from Atma karaka in D-9, we choose the planet which is strongest in Dignity, i.e. Exalted/Mool Trikon/Own/Friendly/Neutral/Enemy/Debilitated sign. God related with that planet becomes the Ishta Devata.
- If there is no planet in the 12th house from Atma karaka in D-9, we can take the Lord of 12th house from Atma karaka in D-9 as Ishta Devata.
5. Ishta-Devata for each planets - Finally, after finding the planet as discussed, we should know that which planet is related to which God to finally find out Ishta Devata. So, here it is -
Sun– Vishnu/Rama/Shiva
Moon– Krishna/Shiva/Parvati
Mars– Hanuman/Subramanya/Sri Narasimha
Mercury– Vishnu
Jupiter– Vishnu/Sri Vamana/Dattatreya/Sai Baba
Venus– Maha Lakshmi/Parashurama/Maa Gouri
Saturn– Shani Dev/Hanuman/Kurma/Shiva/Vishnu
Rahu—Maa Durga/Varaha
Ketu– Ganesh/Matasya
Finally, I remain of opinion that one should always worship or pray to God to be thankful, not to ask for anything. Whatever is necessary for life, will always be given and if something is not necessary for life, then why we should waste our time thinking about it.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
31 comments on this post Comments
2023-01-01 09:06:24Sir,pls guide me for my ista dev,25/12/71,17,36pm,Hubli Karnataka.
2022-12-15 10:49:36K - God related with Saturn
2022-12-15 03:03:44Namaste Shasthriji, Below is my birth details. Please advice my Istha devtha based on my horoscope. DOB - 7/March/1981 TOB - 8:57 PM POB - Bangalore, Karnataka, India I have confusion on 12th house from Karakamsha, which has vakra Shani, varak Guru, Ketu and Sun.
2022-12-15 02:59:46Namaste Shasthriji, Below is my birth details. Please advice my Istha devtha based on my horoscope. DOB - 7/March/1981 TOB - 8:57 PM POB - Bangalore, Karnataka, India I have confusion on 12th house from Karakamsha, which has vakra Shani, varak Guru, Ketu and Sun.
2022-07-10 09:05:43Date of birth - 11th January, 1980 ,. Time of birth : 05: 25: 00 AM, place of birth : Bhatar, Bardhaman, west Bengal, India. PLEASE CALCULATE MY ISHTA DEVATA WITH REASON AND CLARIFICATION.
2021-11-22 21:27:38Thank you Swamiji for the clarification.
2021-11-20 10:44:28H - 12th from Atmakaraka in D9.
2021-11-19 17:37:16Is it the 12th from the atmakaraka in the navamsa, or the 12th from the atmakaraka as put across to the Rashi chart?
Swami Premanand Bharti
2020-06-14 12:06:59@ RSK - please apply for consultation.
R.Satish kumar
2020-06-13 20:06:28Message job and earn money
2019-12-29 22:30:38Thanks for enlightening on the subject!
Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer
2018-10-16 16:45:59@ Jigar - then worship that maraka planet. Thanks,
2018-10-15 19:55:30What if your Isht devta becomes maraka? E.g. in Mesh lagna Venus becomes maraka planet, and in D9 chart Venus is placed 12th from AK. As per jaimini 12th from AK becomes your Isht Devta.
Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer
2018-02-27 22:14:32@ SL - as per the rule, Mars will get priority over lord. Rest is your wish.
Suji Lodh
2018-02-27 21:58:07Sir, whom shall I worship the swami of the planet aspecting the12th house from atmakaraka or the swami of the sign placed in the 12th house from the atmakaraka.Mars aspects this house . But I am a Mangalik. So mars is malefic for me. So shall I worship the swami of Mars or shall I switch to the swami of the sign placed in the 12th house from the atmakaraka. I personally prefer Lrd Vishnu. He is the swami of the sign in the 12th house from the atmakaraka.
Suji Lodh
2018-02-27 21:58:05Sir, whom shall I worship the swami of the planet aspecting the12th house from atmakaraka or the swami of the sign placed in the 12th house from the atmakaraka.Mars aspects this house . But I am a Mangalik. So mars is malefic for me. So shall I worship the swami of Mars or shall I switch to the swami of the sign placed in the 12th house from the atmakaraka. I personally prefer Lrd Vishnu. He is the swami of the sign in the 12th house from the atmakaraka.
Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer
2018-01-04 16:43:10@ Wignesh - Just like we decide the strength of planets sitting in 12th house from karakamsha by their dignity, likewise we need to see which planet among jup-mars-ketu are in good dignity to decide which one to prefer. Thanks
2018-01-04 15:31:50Hi Vishal, What happens if the 12th house of Karakamsa has Jupiter (9th aspect), Kethu(5th aspect) and Mars ( 8th aspect). Which planet aspect should be taken and why? Thank you Wignesh
Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer
2017-12-20 16:48:06@ Vikas - Ketu as Sun is in enemy sign.
2017-12-20 15:45:2112 house from atmakarka is sun and ketu is conjunction in Aquarius which planet is ishta devta.
Vishal S Saxena
2017-09-11 19:26:40@ deepali - Can you pls email me birth details at [email protected]. Thanks,
2017-09-11 16:53:47Dear Sir, In my d-9 chart, in 12th house from AtmaKarka (Venus) is sign Aries however no planet is sitting there and below mentioned are aspects, Sun (Ashisatru griha) - 44 (neutral) Mars (Mitra griha) -21 (Swagriha) Jupiter (Adhimitra griha)_ - 35 (Adhimitra) Saturn (Adhimitra griha) - 36(neutral) Rahu ( Mitra griha) - 36 (Adhisatru) Can you please advice which lord to consider for Ishta Devata? Thanks
2017-09-09 15:06:49Ok sir ;)
Vishal S Saxena
2017-09-09 12:40:11@ deepali - be inclusive in approach. consider both.
2017-09-09 00:25:39Thanks for reply sir...however do we need to take into consideration full aspects or partial aspect as well?
Vishal S Saxena
2017-09-08 09:45:37@ deepali - worship whomsoever u like to. Thanks
2017-09-08 09:40:23Very nice article sir... however would like to share one observation regarding Ishta Devata...i am inclined to worship lord Dattatreya even before knowing concept of Ishta Devata However ishta devata Dattatreya comes only when i take Rahu as Atmakaraka... otherwise Aries i.e planet mars ( hanuman) comes as Ishta Devata.. in both cases no planet is in 12 house from karakamsha..also do we need to consider full aspects i.e 60 or 46/45 also since jhoro also list partial aspects... Thanks
Vishal Saxena
2017-03-07 12:48:48@ Jay Both are important.
2017-03-07 07:06:30Tq sir. I will try to apply what u explained and see if I can understand my upcoming annual chart. One thing I can see is that Saturn in my annual chart is in scorpio and I am running venus dasha and saturn bhukti. Do I see my natal saturn on the annual chart or how sir?
Vishal Saxena
2017-03-06 17:09:14@ Jay - Annual Chart is for events during the year. Focus on planets whose dasha you are running and transits of major planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and if any planet is going retro during the year. That would give an idea about the kind of year you may have.
2017-03-05 19:49:54I downloaded a software where it shows me my annual chart So how do I read this? Do I read as an independant chart?