
An article on Rohini Nakshatra by a student

Rohini Nakshatra - Symbolism and esoteric interpretations

Rohini Nakshatra comes 4th in the series of 27 nakshatras. 

Extent – 10 degrees of Taurus to 23 degrees 20 minutes of Taurus.

Etymology- It is derived from the word Rohan, which means to rise.

It also means the reddish one, or the growing one.

It is said to be the Birth Nakshatra of Lord Krishna. It is said that he had both his moon and Ascendant in Rohini Nakshatra. His life is a personification of Rohini nakshatra. A lot of his qualities are seen in Rohini prominent natives.

Nakshatra Lord- Moon

Sign Lord- Venus

Symbol – An Ox cart being pulled by 2 oxen/Chariot/a young girl approaching puberty

Ruling Deity – Lord Brahma/Prajapati

Animal Symbol – Male Serpent

Gana – Manushya Gana

Varna–Shudra. They are service oriented, they seek to please and fulfill people’s needs

Shakti – Rohana Shakti – the power to make things grow

Mythological Story

According to the Vedic stories, King Daksha had twenty-seven daughters and he gave them in marriage to Chandra (moon). During the marriage, the King put one condition that the Moon should not be partial to any wife. However, as the days passed by, Moon found Rohini very attractive and started spending more time with her. Other wives under the leadership of Jyeshta (which means the eldest one ) complained to the father that their husband is partial. So, he cursed Moon that he would lose his beauty and luster and would lose weight (waning phase) because he broke the promise. Moon got scared and approached Lord Shiva to save him. Lord Shiva expressed his helplessness to completely erase the curse, but he gave a boon to save Moon; that he shall be in a waxing and waning mode. So the moon started decreasing in size for 14 days, followed by gaining back his strength for the next 14 days.

1. Because Rohini was the most favorite wife of the moon, from amongst the 27, tells about her charm, beauty, grace and sophistication. Rohini had a love for art. This can make Rohini natives very artistic with a love for all things beautiful.

2. In the story of the 27 sisters and the moon, all the 26 sisters were jealous of Rohini because Moon, in his obsession for Rohini, was ignoring the other 26 sisters. This can lead Rohini natives to attract envy and jealousy from people around. So much abundance and beauty can be a target for other people‘s self-imposed misery 😊or in some cases these people can themselves be jealous of other people’s success because of an inherent insecurity (aspect of malefic planets on Rohini moon)

3. Moon was obsessed with his wife Rohini, so much so that he was not ready to leave her mansion and visit other wives. Rohini natives are said to be the most adept at making Love, among all the Nakshatras, probably that’s why Moon God was not willing to leave Rohini’s abode. This can also be concluded that these people may be very “wife-obedient” or extremely devoted to their wives because of their highly sexual nature.

4. Shri Krishna Symbolism - Rohini is considered to be the Birth Nakshatra of Lord Krishna. So, we can see the qualities of Krishna manifesting here. Krishna was the favorite of all the Gopis. He was considered to be the ideal lover. This can make Rohini natives very romantic and extremely diplomatic. They can be very enigmatic and attractive to the opposite sex. Their flirtatious nature can bring numerous love affairs in their lives.

5. The Krishna symbolism can also make them very manipulative and cunning. They know how to turn situations in their favor by using their wit and charm.

6. These natives can also act as a good guide or mentor similar to Lord Krishna. They are generally lucky for others, since he was the main factor or mentor in case of Arjuna’s victory.

7. They exhibit adamant behavior like Lord Krishna since he used to steal butter in a naughty manner despite getting a lot of warnings from Ma Yashoda (Lord Krishna’s Mother).

8. This can also bring scenarios of foster parenting as Krishna was brought up by Yashoda and Nand Baba despite being born to Devaki and Vasudev.

9. There may be some sort of difficulty in the life of their maternal uncle or they may have some dislike/enmity towards him (Krishna-Kansa). There may also be some tussle between the mother and the maternal uncle.

10. The Ox Cart /Chariot symbolism - The symbol associated with this nakshatra is an ox cart which is being pulled by 2 oxen. Oxen are used to plough the land. This tilling makes the land ready for sowing of seeds. This can make this nakshatra extremely fertile and productive. ABUNDANCE, FERTILITY and GROWTH are the three key words associated with this nakshatra. This fertility of Rohini can be both- Physical fertility and psychological/mental fertility which can manifest in the form of extreme creativity.

11. The fact that the Ox Cart was the most important means of transportation and conveyance in the olden times, and was used for transportation of goods which lead to the commercial development, suggests that, in the present day and age Rohini is related to all kinds of trade commerce and financial dealings.

12. Because the Bullock carts were used to carry heavy loads, it can be symbolic of these people being the load bearers of the family, taking responsibility and carrying the load of other people’s problems. They can hence be seen to be very responsible.

13. It is also suggestive of it being connected to all forms of agriculture, cattle rearing and all activities associated with transportation of the material produce. Therefore, travel and tourism, movers and packers can be related to this Nakshatra.

14. Chariot is related to this nakshatra, so they can be very elegant in what they build or aesthetic in what they do, whatever they do they do it in a very sophisticated manner. Also, they may love to travel a lot.

15. Ruling Deity – Lord Brahma/ Prajapatis - The ruling deity of this nakshatra is Lord Brahma or the Prajapatis. Now Prajapati can be seen as being a composite word made out of ‘Prajna’ which means procreation and ‘pati’ meaning lord. The Lord of procreation; Brahma is also known as the creator of this entire universe. These people have extreme creative instincts. They can be creative with food, wealth, beauty, luxury, art, jewels/gems, singing, speech, in relationships(basically all significations of Venus and 2nd house/Taurus)

16. Because it has this immense creative potential and all it wants to do is to create, it is also associated with the Kamdhenu Cow- The wish fulfilling cow. It has the ability to manifest and create things. With the productivity going, we can say that it is Rohini that keeps the Maya going.

17. At the same time restrictive planets here, like Ketu and Saturn, can indicate lack of resources, droughts and famines, and problems related to procreation.

18. Animal association – Male serpent 

The animal symbol associated with this nakshatra is that of a male serpent. Like how a snake coils, these people can love to show their affection by physical closeness, wrapping themselves around their partner, both literally and metaphorically. They can be very possessive about their loved ones. This can also indicate their romantic and seductive side. They can be unforgettable as partners, such is their charm. 

19. As from the snake symbolism, they can have a hypotonic, mystical and penetrating gaze. They can have extremely beautiful eyes.

20. Their protectiveness and possessiveness for their partners can also make them suspicious especially if the Sign Lord Venus is placed in the sign of Scorpio from where it will aspect its own house.

21. Despite their nurturing nature, Rohini individuals may struggle with possessiveness and attachment in relationships. They can be overly sensitive to criticism and may find it challenging to navigate conflicts or confrontations.

22. The bird related to this nakshatra is an owl. So we can say their sense of vision is better at night time as compared to daytime. Also, it may indicate that they are more active at night than daytime. Hence, night shift jobs can work better for them as they can work more efficiently at night time. It can also be said that they can see hidden things (in the dark) very easily.

23. Coming together of the Venus and Moon energy - The sign lord being Venus and the Nakshatra lord being Moon can make these people highly desirous. It is like a desire-oriented mind. In which direction these desires will lead the native to, will depend on the position of Venus in the chart. 

24. This desire-oriented mind (Venus moon energy) can make them very fond of earthly needs. Food, sex, money and luxury. They can become food hogs 😊 addiction to alcohol and shopaholism can also be seen from Moon/Venus in Rohini.

25. The moon is representative of emotions and Rohini is the nakshatra associated with growth and abundance. This can give Rohini moon natives an excess of emotions, it can make them extremely emotional. Any of the emotions that swell and then burst can be felt with Rohini placements: sadness, excitement, shyness, pride, vanity.

26. Rohini was Moon’s favorite wife; it often makes us too attached to our comfort zones and all that is pleasurable and agreeable for the mind, the Taurus significations.They are usually strong family people, the men especially will be strongly focused on resource acquisition and growing the bank account.

27. The Taurus association - Because Taurus is associated with the symbol of bull and is a fixed sign, the stubbornness of the Taurus bull can be seen here. It can be difficult to change the mind of a Rohini native and they like to make things that will last. Be it relationships or material wealth. This is a good nakshatra for beginning anything you want to be durable.

28. All qualities associated with Taurus can be seen here- earthiness, fixidity, stability, productivity, material security, accumulating, indulgence in luxury and possessions, refinement and staying grounded.

29. However, with the moon in Rohini, because of the changing phases of the moon, waxing and waning, things related to this house can go through periods of change. Also, 2nd house significations- diet, wealth and savings can wax and wane.

30. Medical Astrology - Both Venus and Moon are Kapha predominant planets and so, Kapha predominant complaints like sinusitis, congestion, water retention, edema or other watery problems relating with kidney and bladder are all common with Rohini natives. Dietary health problems related to comfort eating, overeating and the resulting obesity are also common. Rohini deals with all kinds of problems related to swelling. Swelling of any part of the body depending on the house placement. The swelling of the limbs, swelling of the brain, of the blood vessels etc. 

31. Many of their health problems may be due to over-indulgence or addiction to comfort and pleasure. Food, drugs (prescription/OTC/or illegal) sex, alcohol and smoking addictions each come with their own problems, but the addictive tendencies of Rohini is usually the underlying cause.

32. Rohini Nakshatra natives may be prone to health issues related to the throat, neck, and voice (2nd house significations).

Another Mythological Story -

This Mythological story says that Brahma, the creator, wanted to begin the process of creation and fell in love with his own daughter (or granddaughter?), Rohini. He was so captivated by her beauty that he wanted to make every living being as beautiful as her. He could not take his eyes off her and so four heads sprouted to allow him to face every direction and track her every movement. When she fled to the heavens a fifth head looked upwards. She changed into a doe to escape him but he changed into a buck and chased her in order to produce earthly beings that looked like her. Shiva, outraged at the incest, is said to have either chopped off one of Brahma’s heads or shot him with an arrow from his mighty bow. Sometimes we get so carried away with an idea that we cannot see the impending doom that’s just around the corner. Now Brahma’s four heads are continually reciting the four Vedas in penance. And Shiva, for hurting a Brahman, had to pay a price for Brahm Hatya Dosha (killing a Brahman). Shiva, in his Kalabhairava Rudra formholding Brahma’s head in his hand was wandering in the entire Universe and finally got emancipation when he reached Kashi, where Brahma’s head got absorbed in the soil. Thus, Kalabhairava (Shiva’s Rudra form) got relieved from the sin and Kashi became the “Kapal Mochan Teerth”, the holy place which relieved Kalabhairava from the sin of Brahmin’s murder.Then Shiva made Kalabhairava Rudra (his own form) the Guardian of Kashi in order to relieve everyone from their sins, who seek him.


As this story revolves around the story of Brahma chasing Rohini, it can bring similar non consensual sexual chasing episodes, especially from close family members (Incest)

Career Choices 

With Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka or 10th/2nd lord/11th Lord associated with Rohini, there are certain professions that can give a higher contentment and material fulfillment to these natives. Some of which are listed below- 

Farming and Agriculture, Food processing, preservation and transportation, artists, musicians and entertainers, Beauty industry, anything to do with fashion, jewellery and Gemstones.

Bankers and Financiers; travel and tourism, automobile industry; botanists and Plant Nursery owners; nature exploration, conservation and environmentalists.

The 4 padas

1st pada lies in the Aries Navamsa- Those born in the first pada will be competitive business people. Sensuality and carnal desires can be high here. The focus shall be on extravagance and indulgence. Quickness, temperamental nature and fiery results are expected from the planets placed here.

2nd pada lies in the Taurus Navamsa - The second pada is ruled by Venus. This Pada is the true embodiment of Rohini Nakshatra. Material abundance is seen here. This is the strongest part of the zodiac for the actualization and fulfillment of desires. However, there may be a tendency to be very materialistic, giving too much importance to material acquisition.

3rd pada lies in Gemini Navamsa - Those born in the third pada can be the cleverest and shrewd at accumulation of resources.  Will be good at mathematics and will have strong business acumen.  They like to be among like-minded people and travel a lot.  Being Gemini, intelligent, and getting really confused when making decisions are prominent factors in the native's life.

4th pada lies in Cancer Navamsa -Those born in the fourth pada will be intelligent, sensitive, romantic, and emotional people.  Planets placed here have a maternal quality to them – nourishing and caring. The unnecessary hoarding of resources and material wealth can be seen here.


Rohini Natives can be very charismatic, however, how they use their charm and magnetism can tell a lot about the soul’s evolution. Lesser evolved souls can easily gain trust of others to derive some sort of material benefit. They can have a knack for extracting favors and financial support from their “lovers”. So much might be their love for money and material resources that they may get away in many ‘money making schemes’.

Higher evolved souls could use this creative energy to build something substantial that can be of use to humanity at large. They can also use their passion and nurturing ability to build stable relationships and provide emotional support to those around.

Rohini is usually very methodical and balanced in its actions, being a balanced nakshatra, however it may lead to these natives going through their lives in a very conservative way, reluctant to try anything new, with the least amount of adventure, in a very traditionalistic approach. 

In the end, The predominant Guna always decides which course of action will the native take, as every Nakshtra has a truckload of representations - from the lowest to the highest level.

Let us all work to redirect our energies in the best possible way.


Excellent work. Well explained. Keep up the good work. The biggest room in the world is room for improvement.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


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