Scorpio Ascendant

Today a Water Sign and the most favorite sign of Astrologers. Scorpio has many mysteries inside it. Like,

It is a Water Sign but it is fixed sign. So, water + fixed is a conflicting situation. Likewise, it is feminine sign but ruled by masculine Mars. Hence, again conflicting energies. Just like no information can be enough for Saturn, likewise no amount of information is enough for Scorpions. They will still hold some secrets within them. Let's see how much I can spill-out today.

We get attracted towards whatever is Secret or Hidden. This is the main reason behind Scorpions having this attractive or magnetic personality. Because they are secretive, it gives a natural curiosity to know them. They live a life of instability and their life-lesson is to realize that nothing is permanent and everything/everyone will be lost after certain time. The moment they realize and accept this fact and start living in a situation of letting go, they have won the battle of this life. As it is sign of control and insecurities, they need to learn how not to control others and feel secured within themselves and not to seek security from others. They are normally blessed with attractive eyes and people normally get attracted due to their eyes. As it is sign of changes, they go through major changes in their personality too. They may change their names, looks, professions and even nationality. Change is synonym for a Scorpio ascendant. They are natural occultists or psychologists of zodiac.

2nd house has Sagittarius sign which shows that their wealth can come through higher education and while interacting with people of different culture. Their intellect level is too high because they can have loads of information of different fields. As Sagittarius remains a dual sign, they can have double sources of wealth.

3rd house has Capricorn sign which means that their best authority or recognition in life will come through their own business and communication. It will happen with delay, perseverance and hard work. They can be introvert but precise with their communications. They may hate gossiping and wasting time in it.

4th house has Aquarius sign which shows that they serve humanity while working from home or from own private office. Serving a higher cause brings peace of mind but again it will take some delay hard work and perseverance to reach up to that level. As 4th house is of home and Aquarius is sign of whole humanity, they treat whole world as their home.

5th house has Pisces sign which can make them extra creative with their hobbies and interests. They can be imaginative and dreamy about love matters where they may imagine a love story out of nothing and that may lead to painful heartbreaks. They may like to have a love partner with similar spiritual level or interests. Their best idea of talking to their lover can be on spiritual topics.

6th house has Aries sign which shows that they realize their individuality or uniqueness by facing obstacles and conflicts in life. More conflicts they face, more confident they become. It also shows that they should work individually in matters of their daily work life.

7th house has Taurus sign which shows that best wealth is coming through business. It shows that their spouse/partner can be very beautiful. As Taurus is sign of security, they find security in life when they are doing business or they are in relationship.

8th house has Gemini sign which shows that they can serve people through business and communication. They can be research oriented and would love to collect more and more information from various fields. There is hardly any area of knowledge about which they don't know anything. They love communicating about secret and occult matters.

9th house has Cancer sign which shows that they are emotionally connected with their higher education and teachers. They are also emotionally connected with their students. They get peace of mind after travelling to long distance and interacting with people of different culture in matters of higher education.

10th house has Leo sign which shows that they need to become authority in their career. It means that they should not be working under others' authority. Their father can be authoritative figure himself.

11th house has Virgo sign which shows that they can gain from analytical nature of work. They can be very realistic about their gains and value of money in life. They can be very serious about how they want to serve the world and humanity.

12th house has Libra sign which shows that it will take some time for them to strike a balance in their spiritual views. As Libra also represents relationship, they can have relationship in foreign lands. They will find peace and balance in life through spiritual evolution.

Now, house lord wise -

Mars is 1st house and 6th house lord - Never mess with them as they will be revengeful. Because they face so many obstacles or conflicts in life and they overpower so many enemies that they love an idea of anyone messing with them. Now, how they will deal with enemy depends on Mars position. Mars in good dignity will make them behave in a dignified way even while dealing with enemies but weak Mars shows that person can be violent. This is where the difference between Good Scorpio and Bad Scorpio lies. Good Scorpio won't initiate any fight and will take actions only to defend himself. Bad Scorpio can get into unnecessary mess. Hence, the dignity of Mars and Moon (Mind) is most important here.

Jupiter is 2nd house and 5th house lord - They can be highly learned with great knowledge base. They normally make money through their knowledge and education.

Saturn is 3rd house and 4th house lord - It makes them start their own business sooner or later in life. They may have very limited happiness or success in their home land. They can work for the longest of hours and are almost workaholic as their efforts and home are getting connected. So, even at home they are working all the time.

Venus is 7th house and 12th house lord - It directly connects their relationship with people of foreign lands. Their partner will have one or the other connection with foreign lands or foreign culture. Their partner may add to their own spirituality.

Mercury is 8th house and 11th house lord - It shows gains from business, serving people, communications and research oriented matters. It also shows that their income can go through change means they can change their professions. Being a Scorpio, their life is all about change. So, last thing they are bothered in life is "CHANGE".

Moon rules the 9th house and as I said they can be emotionally attached with their teachings, teachers and students.

Sun rules the 10th house and sooner or later they need to become authority in themselves. Sooner the better.

Again, things can change a bit due to planetary positions, dignity and dashas but basic foundation will be like this only.

Also, you see insect Scorpio. You can't kill it easily. No matter how much you beat it and you think that it is a small insect, it will fight till last breath.

Likewise, you can't defeat a Scorpion easily. They will fight till very last. Surrender is not their way. They don't accept defeat easily. This also makes them most loyal among zodiacs where if they give you a word then they will keep it at their own loss and suffering.




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